三人のノーベル賞学者:チャンドラセカール、ヤンそしてリー: Three Nobel Lauries: Chandrasekhar, Yang, and Lee.
In 1947, a professor at University of Chicago, Dr. Chandrasekhar, was scheduled to teach am advanced seminar in astrophysics. At that time, he was living in Wisconsin, doing research at the Yerkes astronomical Observatory. He planned to commute twice a week for the class, even though it would be held during the harsh winter month.
Registration for the seminar, however, fell for bellow expectations. Only two students sighed up the class. People expected, Dr. Chandrasekhar to cancel. least he waste his time. But for the sake of two students he taught the class, commuting 200 miles round trip through back country roads in the dead winter.
その学生であったヤン(Chen Ning Yang)とリー(Tsung-Dao Lee)は、宿題を果たしました。10年後1957年に、彼らは二人ともノーベル賞を受賞しました。チャンドラセカール自身も1983年に受賞しました。優秀な教師にとって、小さなクラスが小さい結果に終わるとは限らないのです。
His students, Chen Ning Yang and Tsung-Dao Lee, did their homework. Ten years later, in 1957, they both won the Nobel Prize for physics. So did Dr. Chandrasekhar in 1983. For expectative teachers, there is no such thing as a small class.
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